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Our Campaign

Meet Ethan Jones (L)

Ethan Jones is a lifelong Missourian who is dedicated to making our state a better place for all. Ethan has the leadership experience and passion necessary to enact real change in our state government. He is committed to ending property taxes for disabled veterans, prison reform, public education, support for the 2nd Amendment, and the right to life. Ethan is a small business owner of SNJ Security, LLC and attends Open Door House of Prayer in Annapolis, MO. Ethan is a father of four and understands the struggles Missouri families face to make it by on a day by day basis. This is something career politicians are disconnected from. Learn more about Ethan's platform and vision for the state today.

Core Issues

If you chose me as your State Representative, you should know I am committed to working towards a better future for all Missourians. Our campaign focuses on issues such as ending property taxes for elderly citizens and disabled veterans, prison reform, support for the 2nd Amendment, and the right to life. We believe in putting our constituents first, and working towards a better future for all. Learn more about our platform and vision for the state today.


I will support your right to disagree with me, and I will be an open and non judgmental ear that will listen and take the time to understand your concerns.


I understand many people vote straight blue or red. I am asking you to consider voting for morals. As your next State Representative, I will lead with compassion, integrity, and speak for you instead of what benefits me. As your next State Representative, I will pray for guidance before making any decision that affects your family and your family will always be my top priority.

Image by Carles Rabada

Prison Reform

With extensive knowledge in Missouri's prison system and constitutional law in Corrections I will fight for prison reform in Missouri and make Missouri prisons a safer place for staff and offenders. I will support the right to unionize for Correctional Officer's and for the tools they need to stay safe on the job. I will push for true rehabilitation and to expand programs for Missouri's Incarcerated citizens. These programs will provide these individuals with a sense of purpose and job training that can be used after release.


I will also push for mental health assistance for staff who deal with the day-to-day stressors. I will push for preparing offenders for release by promoting classes that will teach them how to cook, budget, start a business, and to function as law-abiding citizens. I will also push legislation to use prison programs to raise funds that will pay for public school meals.

Veteran Memorial Service

Veteran & Homeless Support


One third of Missouri's homeless population are veterans. Our veterans gave their all for us while our government had stood by and gave the minimum back to them. As State Representative, I will request that Missouri conduct a full inventory of all unused government buildings that are paid for by taxpayers. These buildings should be inventoried and evaluated for the use of housing for our homeless citizens and for veteran housing and programs. These buildings are paid for by the people and should be available for the people.


I will also fight to end property taxes for veterans and create legislation to protect veterans from foreclosures.

Father and Son Fishing

Missouri Conservation & Education

I will support Missouri's Conservation Department and push to bring Conservation classes and programs to Missouri's public education system so all Missouri children have the opportunity to explore nature and fish.

Accounting Documents

Ending Unjust Taxation

I will fight against Missouri's feminine hygiene tax that taxes tampons and feminine supplies at a higher rate. Not only will I fight to end this, but I will fight to end sales taxes on these supplies. I will fight for parents who are paying ridiculous prices for baby formula by pushing legislation to eliminate sales taxes on baby supplies.


As State Representative, I will do everything within my ability to submit legislation in Jeff City to ease the suffering of our people. I will submit legislation and fight to end property taxes for elderly citizens on fixed incomes and disabled veterans. I will fight to end the unjust property taxes on your automobile.

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